This season is often my most creative and most productive time of year. Spring winds typically blow in change and new energy. Over the last 8 weeks, as predicted, the spring has brought the usual desert bloom and a relentless drive to clean, organize, plant, and dig. It also has brought along an unpredicted virus creating a slower pace and an economic cease.
With events cancelled and stay-at-home orders in place, the halt is very real, particularly in rural communities, destinations that survive on tourism and day travelers. Many of these areas of our state are home to a spectrum of independent businesses and entrepreneurs that had prepared for another bustling tourist season and are now flooded with inventory and no patrons. They are working to keep employees on payroll and to meet operational needs without the usual steady income. In reality, they are trying to stay afloat without any revenue at all.
As a manufacturing company, sales and production for Pin Drop Travel Trailers continues. We certainly have felt the blow from a supply chain perspective and know colleagues, fellow business owners, and suppliers that are facing devastating circumstances.
There are ways to keep these businesses alive. Every dollar spent in one of these businesses and not through an online platform continues to keep their wheels turning. #CashFlowIsKing.
As you likely know, the economic impact has trickled to our cities and towns, many of which rely on sales tax alone.Your local purchases also keep sales tax dollars in the community which supports our libraries, community parks, recreation services, and safety services, also heavily impacted by COVID-19.
Part of our core values as a company is to seek out local talent and suppliers. We know this is even more critical now. We work locally with a number of family-owned and operated companies and continue this strategy with more intention and more vigor. We happily work alongside a long list of talent and professionals including TAC Fabrication, Western Reprographics, Old Town Frame Company, Mantra Sedona, Globe Cross Fit Gym, Clear Production Services, Mattress Factory Inc., Dowling Designs, Bueno Marketplace and Printshop, and Canyon Coolers to name a few. These are companies like us, building strength in Arizona's economy and facing unprecedented circumstances.
It's a slower pace these days. We have had some time to reflect and assess next steps forward. We continue to charge ahead with travel trailer sales and production. Pin Drop is steady. We are spending more time with our young children at home. We are exploring and product testing with a bit more care and caution. We are checking in with other business owners and creatively finding ways to invest here at home and keep cash circulating locally. The Pin Drop team challenges you to do the same.
Are you looking for a product or service? Local First Arizona has an online directory of independently owned businesses across the state. Find what you are looking for and support a local, Arizona-based business at the same time. Our neighbors are always a worthy investment.